Laws Mandating Healthy and Safe Window Cleaning

Window cleaning is a task that is risky and dangerous both on the safety and health of the window cleaner. Along with the window cleaning companies, they must comply with rules implemented for working at height. This specific working at height may not be prevented for sort of times.


So, it becomes crucial to strategize and manage the involved task before hand. For windows repair and cleaning solutions you may check The ideas here is also good for the home remodeling industry.


The Window Cleaning Laws


In alignment with this risky job, laws pertaining to the health and safety of the individuals involved are implemented by the authority in UK. Detailed below are some of the laws pertaining to healthy and safe window cleaning.


Act of 1974: Health and Safety at Work


This law states that the employers have to ensure the safety and health of their employees. Aside from that, they are also responsible for ensuring that the activities of their employees are not considered high risk. The law also covers the self-employed window cleaners in which, by the nature of their work, lead other people at risk.


Work at Height Regulations of 2005


This law is covers employers and those who have activities at height. The work to be performed should be supervised, done by competent individual, and should use the right equipment. In terms of window cleaning, this law implements further guidelines which indicate the avoidance of working at height in reasonable manner. Meaning, the use of telescopic water fed pole is recommendable to use.

However, there are instances that it is unavoidable to clean windows at the tiptop. In such cases, try to look for a safe place to work with. Moreover, there are times that the risk of falling cannot be eliminated. Extra controls must be taken into consideration in order to reduce the range and repercussion of falling.


Window Cleaning Rules and Regulations


Working as a window cleaner in UK do not require any field of expertise or education. However, training is very much vital with this field.


The Law and Window Cleaners Ladders


Basically this points out that ladders are not applicable to be used as a work platform in cleaning window at a height of 4 meters and above. The use of ladders in window cleaning is to guard your access to windows at height.

Shevon Shane
